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Whatever your "infosphere" (healthcare, law enforcement, defense, government, banking, law, ...), policies are center-stage. Whether enforcing access control, privacy, risk management or statutes, policies determine how your organization handles its information assets.

Most organizations still do not have a strategy for governing the creation of policies themselves. Access control, for example, is most often enacted by computer code written by an IT department. But the risk management groups and officers responsible for the policy often do not have direct visibility or control. Instead they must rely on costly IT-side revisions plus meetings, memos, and audits for creating and maintaining their policies.

XpressRules® is an authoring tool for non-IT organizations themselves to use natural language for business rules that generate computer-executable policies . . . automatically and in seconds (not days or weeks).

In healthcare user-managed privacy for health records is becoming has become a rigorously enforced patient entitlement. But IT-based policy creation is not sufficiently agile to manage the diverse mandates for creating patient consent directives nor for other requirements of maintaining secure health records. Beyond healthcare, most disciplines handling sensitive information are voicing the same urgent need for agile policy management. XpressRules is working with a variety of these organizations.

We invite you to tour these pages that offer XpressRules as a manager-centric solution for governance of policy creation in your own words.